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Indiana University Indianapolis Department of Library and Information Science By-Laws

Last updated: January 9, 2024


1.1 Faculty

The Faculty of the Indiana University Department of Library and Information Science (DLIS) within the IU Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering shall consist of the tenured and tenure probationary Professors, regardless of rank, with at least .5 FTE appointments, and Lecturers, regardless of rank, with 1.0 FTE appointments as professors or lecturers of Library and Information Science.

1.2 Associate Faculty

Associate Faculty shall consist of administrative officers and individuals appointed to teach coursework within DLIS on a part-time basis, including adjunct and visiting appointments. Associate Faculty may attend faculty meetings and hold the privilege of discussion and debate, but may neither submit a motion or resolution nor vote in faculty meetings or on resolutions arising from faculty meetings.

1.3 Emeritus Faculty

Emeritus Faculty shall have the status of Associate Faculty.

1.4 Librarians, Professional, and Technical Employees

Librarians, Professional Staff and Technical Staff employed by the Department shall have the status of Associate Faculty.

1.5 Granting of Additional Voting Rights

The Faculty may grant voting rights to any individual by a two-thirds vote of the Faculty.


Subject to the Constitution of the Indiana University Faculty and other provisions in the DLIS governance document, Indiana University and the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering have granted the Department of Library and Information Science Faculty authority pertaining to the Department in the following areas:

2.1 Legislative Authority

  1. The Department’s academic mission;
  2. The Department’s short- and long-term planning;
  3. The Department’s structure of faculty governance, consistent with University faculty
  4. Creation, reorganization, merger, and elimination of academic programs and units within the Department;
  5. Authority over academic units within the Department and relations between them;
  6. Curriculum;
  7. Academic calendar, with only such deviation from University and campus calendars as made necessary by special curricular or accreditation requirements;
  8. Admission and retention of students in the Department;
  9. Standards for student academic performance;
  10. Student conduct and discipline, consistent with University and campus faculty standards;
  11. Appointment, merit reviews, compensation, conduct and discipline, and grievances of the Department’s faculty, consistent with University, the School of Information and campus faculty standards; promotion and tenure in conjunction with campus-specific School level committees.

2.2 Consultative Authority

  1. The Department’s facilities and budgets;
  2. Appointment and review of the Department’s academic officers (except the Chair of the Department) and administrative officers affecting the Department’s academic mission, consistent with University, the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering and campus faculty standards;
  3. Other matters affecting the academic mission of the Department, subject to the legislative authority of the University, the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering and campus faculty.

The Faculty operate as a body of the whole, in three permanent committees, and in ad hoc committees as the Faculty Affairs Committee shall propose to the Faculty:

  • Faculty Affairs Committee
  • Promotion and Tenure Committee
  • Curriculum Committee



3.1.1 Role

The Faculty Affairs Committee represents the Faculty as a whole in advising the Chair on faculty policy issues. The Faculty Affairs Committee also initiates actions, proposes policies, brings items for discussion at faculty meetings, holds informational and deliberative meetings for the Department’s Faculty as a whole, and recommends the creation of ad hoc committees and task forces.

Responsibilities of the Faculty Affairs Committee include:

  1. Serving as the Department’s Budgetary Review Committee;
  2. Serving as the Department’s Grievance Committee. Grievances will be heard by the Faculty Affairs Committee augmented by two faculty members of the grieving faculty member’s choice;
  3. Advising the Chair on faculty policy issues, diversity issues, and short- and long-term DLIS IUI planning;
  4. Reviewing the Department’s governance document at least every three years to assess the need for changes;

3.1.2 Membership

The Faculty Affairs Committee consists of three members of the Department’s Faculty elected by a secret ballot of the entire faculty, including the Chair and current members of the Faculty Affairs Committee. One member is elected near the end of each academic year, with the candidate receiving the highest number of votes elected. For the initial election, the ballot lists all eligible faculty members and participants may vote for up to three; the top vote-getter will serve a three-year term, the next highest will serve two years, and the next a one-year term.

Members serve three-year terms, commencing one month following the date of the election. A member may serve two consecutive terms, but then must have at least one year without service before being eligible to serve again. In the event of a vacancy, a secret ballot of the appropriate Faculty will determine a replacement to fill the remainder of the term. Ties will be decided by lot.

The Faculty Affairs Committee annually selects its own Chair.

The Department Chair may vote for, but may not serve on, the Faculty Affairs Committee.

3.1.3 Faculty Affairs Committee Meetings

Meetings of the Faculty Affairs Committee shall be held at least once a semester during the academic year. Minutes will be recorded by a member of the committee and distributed within two weeks to the Faculty as a whole.


The Promotion and Tenure Committee is comprised of all tenured members of the Department’s Faculty, with the exception of the Chair, and includes those faculty members who were granted tenure during the previous academic year. The Promotion and Tenure Committee elects its own chair.

The DLIS Promotion and Tenure Committee oversees evaluations of teaching, research, and service as a basis for recommendations for promotion and tenure, including pre-tenure reviews of faculty. Specific responsibilities are described in the Promotion and Tenure Guidelines.


The DLIS Curriculum Committee (CC) oversees library and information science programs and courses administered by the Department, including but not exclusively any programs accredited by the American Library Association (ALA) Committee on Accreditation.

3.3.1 Curricular Changes

The CC is the main oversight committee concerning the creation, substantial revision, and elimination of curricular structures, including: courses, course categorizations (e.g., required, electives, cross-listing), specializations, degree programs at the graduate or undergraduate level, dual-degree programs, and certificates. Curricular changes do not need to begin within the CC, but faculty are charged with conferring with the CC about the curricular change they are seeking to make before formally pursuing such a change so as to receive advice on processes and substance. Following approval, CC will coordinate with the School and campus bodies to shepherd the curricular change through institutional pathways to full approval. When curricular changes are made, the CC will share decisions with the DLIS faculty as a whole. Significant proposed changes will be presented to the faculty as a whole to review.

3.3.2 Curricular Evaluation and Review

The CC is responsible for establishing policy and scheduling the systematic review of courses; the Chair is responsible for supporting the review of courses in concert with the associated instructor. With regard to the ALA-accredited MLIS degree, the CC will lead the faculty in a systematic review no less than every 5 years. Further, the CC is responsible for the conducting and writing the Program Review and Assessment Committee (PRAC) report.

3.3.3 Membership

The Department Chair, program directors, and LIS advisor are ex officio members of this committee. These individuals are invited to all CC meetings to provide updates and participate in meetings but are not required to attend unless the CC needs their participation. The committee is composed of at least 3 non-Chair members, selected by the faculty as a whole, with at least 1 representative who teaches in the department’s undergraduate program, and at least one student member who is recruited by the CC in consultation with the student organization leadership. The CC elects a chair of its committee, who serves a term of two years. The normal term of service for CC members is 3 years for faculty and 1 or 2 years for a student; service can be extended on the committee by the member seeking reelection by the faculty.


4.1 Permanent Committees

When additional permanent committees are deemed desirable, the Faculty Affairs Committee shall organize debate on an amendment to the Bylaws to create a new committee.

4.2 Ad Hoc Committees

From time to time there will be a need for ad hoc committees or task forces to address specific issues. Such committees may be established at the recommendation of the Chair, the Faculty Affairs Committee, or a majority of the Faculty. The Chair appoints individuals to ad hoc committees and appoints the chair. An ad hoc committee or task force will cease to exist upon completion of its assigned task(s). Any ad hoc committee or task force that has been in existence for three years will cease to exist unless its mandate is extended by the Chair, the Faculty Affairs Committee, or a majority of the Faculty. Ad hoc committee membership may be extended to associate, technical, or professional-level individuals in the Department or in other relevant units. Student participation is at the discretion of the committee.

4.3 Search and Screen Committees

Search and Screen Committees perform all the functions of identifying suitable candidates for Faculty vacancies, including making arrangements for candidates to interview. The Chair and/or Dean/Executive Associate Dean may appoint different search and screen committees for different positions.

The Chair will not normally serve as a member of a Search and Screen Committee. The Committee receives its charge from the Chair and will provide him or her with a list of candidates deemed acceptable for a given position. The Chair may select candidates from this list, may choose not to fill the position, or may reconstitute the Search and Screen Committee. Voting membership of a Search and Screen Committee is not normally extended to students. In conducting its business, a Search and Screen Committee will seek advice and guidance from both Faculty and students throughout the process.

4.4 Coordination with School/Other Departments

The Chair and the Executive Associate Dean will work with the Faculty Affairs Committee to staff school wide committees and School representation on campus committees, and for other ways in which the Department effectively works within the School.


5.1 Appointment of the Chair

The Chair is appointed by the Dean of the School from a list of candidates. Each faculty member’s name will be listed on a ballot and each faculty member will vote for no more than two candidates. The vote will be by secret ballot, with the two or more candidates receiving the most votes recommended to the Dean.

5.2 Role of the Chair

The Chair manages departmental operations, appoints committees to conduct departmental business, calls meetings to discuss issues facing the department, makes teaching assignments based on departmental and School needs and faculty preferences, conveys the views of the Department to School and University administrators, and generally looks after the best interests of the Department. The Chair’s decisions and actions are to be informed by discussions with members of the Department, most importantly with the elected Faculty Affairs Committee.

The Chair is the chief financial officer of the Department and accordingly is responsible for the preparation of the annual budget request to the School. When appropriate the Chair participates in soliciting external support from alumni, friends of the Departments, or foundations. All requests regarding salary, leaves of absence, sabbaticals, budgetary matters, teaching, and so on are made by the Chair as the representative of the faculty. Unless Department or University policies explicitly assign responsibilities to others, the Chair is responsible for all matters falling within the jurisdiction of the Department.


6.1 Calling Faculty Meetings

The Chair will call meetings of the Department’s Faculty at least once each fall and spring term. Additional meetings of the Faculty may be called as the Chair determines necessary. The Chair will call a meeting of the Faculty at the request of a majority of the Faculty Affairs Committee or at the request of three members of the Faculty. The Chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee will chair the meeting in the Chair’s absence.

6.2 Announcement of Faculty Meetings

The date, time, and location of faculty meetings will be communicated to all Faculty at least two weeks in advance. Committee reports and other documents pertinent to issues scheduled for discussion will be distributed to the Faculty at least one week prior to the meeting. Each committee chair is responsible for distribution of documents from the committee.

6.3 Quorum for Faculty Meetings

A quorum consisting of two-thirds of the Faculty is required in order to conduct a faculty meeting. This quorum must include the Chair or the chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee acting on the Chair’s behalf. The quorum shall not include Faculty teaching, on sabbatical or on other leave. In any event, Faculty shall inform the Chair of the reasons for their absence within a week of the announcement of the meeting date.

6.4 Faculty Secretary

The Faculty Secretary, appointed by the Chair, will compile minutes of faculty meetings and conduct voting on resolutions arising from faculty meetings. The Faculty Secretary may be assisted by clerical staff.

6.5 Minutes of Faculty Meetings

The Faculty Secretary will distribute the minutes of each faculty meeting within two weeks following the meeting. Minutes are subject to revision at the next faculty meeting.

6.6 Rules of Order

After discussion, decisions of the Faculty will be made by voting on motions presented. The Chair may call for a motion or recognize a motion from a faculty member or a Committee. For Committee motions, or following a second to a motion proposed by a faculty member, the Chair will request more discussion. The Chair or a member may call for a vote on the motion. A majority vote of the Faculty in attendance will determine the acceptance or rejection of the motion. The Chair is normally not eligible to vote on a motion but may cast a deciding vote in the case of a tie.

A motion may be in the form of a “call for a resolution.” A second member must voice support for submitting a motion to the resolution level for such action to be taken. A resolution will be a written statement for action. The Secretary will submit the resolution to the Faculty, who will consider the motion for a two-week period. The Faculty Secretary will then accept and count the votes and report the results. Each faculty member (including the Chair) may cast a vote. A majority vote of the faculty is needed to accept or reject a resolution. All motions and resolutions and the resulting votes will be recorded in the minutes of the faculty meetings.

6.7 Voting

When any vote is taken, the outcome will be determined by the total number of votes cast. Abstentions will not be counted as part of the total votes cast. Majority and two-thirds vote totals will be determined based upon the total number of “yeas” and “nays” cast.

6.7.1 Electronic voting

In the case that electronic voting is to be used, it must be preceded by discussion electronically or in person. In-person includes phone conferencing. Any person may call for in-person discussion. The ballot and the text of the matter up for a vote will be distributed by email. Votes may be cast during a two-week period. The outcome (majority and two-thirds) will be determined by the total number of votes cast.

6.8 Other Faculty Gatherings

The Faculty Affairs Committee, the Chair, or committee chairs may call Faculty gatherings for the purpose of hearing discussion on policies and issues. Such gatherings will not constitute official faculty meetings.


7.1 Amendment

Amendment of this document may be initiated by petition from any three members of the Faculty. Amendments must be approved by two-thirds of the eligible Faculty voting by secret ballot. At least two weeks shall pass between the introduction of a petition and the faculty vote on that petition.

7.2 Review of the Document

This document will be reviewed by the Faculty Affairs Committee at least every three years to assess the need for changes and to make recommendations for such changes to the Faculty.

7.2.1 Voting on the review of the governance document

All tenured and tenure-probationary professors, regardless of rank, with at least .5 FTE appointments and Lecturers, regardless of rank, with 1.0 FTE appointments in the Department of Library and Information Science can vote on proposed revisions to the DILS governance document.